Hero Background

Home Ownership Opportunities

Self-Reliance: Through shelter, we empower. A decent place to live and an affordable mortgage help homeowners save more, invest in education, pursue opportunity, and have more financial stability.

Partner Families Must Meet Certain Criteria to Obtain a Habitat Home

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1. In need of better housing.

Potential homebuyers might be dealing with poorly built, unhealthy, damaged, or inadequate housing. Alternatively, you might have a rent or mortgage that you cannot afford, or may be living in a home that is inaccessible for your disabilities.

Blob 2
2. Willing to partner with Habitat.

Our homebuyers put in hundreds of hours of “sweat equity”, which means they help build their own home and the homes of others in the Habitat for Humanity house building program, or volunteer at a Habitat ReStore. These prerequisite hours may also include classes in personal finances, home maintenance, and other relevant topics to help ensure capability for the demands of owning a home.

Blob 3
3. Able to pay an affordable mortgage.

In partnership with the USDA, Habitat for Humanity NW WI offers homebuyers an affordable mortgage. Those payments are then cycled back into the community to help build more affordable homes. Does your monthly gross income from all sources fall within the income limit range listed on the back of this page? If so, you may qualify. Contact us for more information. We look forward to hearing from you.

Interested in Becoming a Partner Family?

Complete this form: Habitat Partner Family Application and we will contact you.

Or email us at: [email protected]

Rural Home LoansUSDA Direct Loan

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